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Recommendations for app Accessibility issue : weak eyesight Recommendations : “use screen reader software” a software that takes the text of a document and converts the text into voice synthesizer…
1. Team Communication: Slack Slack allows us to use instant messaging. Unlike Facebook, Slack allows us to create channels to organize our conversations, add threads to those conversations and…
let reservationTime = [1,2,3,4,5] let landingTime = x; if( if landsInCourtenay = true){ newLandingTime = landingTime + 20; } else{ newLandingTime = landingTime + 45; } for(i=0; i=…
Let delayedTime = x; let landingTime = y; let availableTime = [1,2,3,4,5] let newLandingTime = x+y; for( i=0; i=availableTime; i++;){ if( newLandingTime =< availableTime[i]){ console.log(“Landing in Courtenay”) };…
Let minimumWind = 12; Let currentWind = process.argv[2]; if(currentWind > minimumWind){ Console.log(“Landing in Smits Field”); } else{ console.log(“Landing In Courtenay”); };
Solution (in English) Find out how long the trip will take from take off to landing. Store it in a variable called ‘tripLength’ Find out when Mary and…