List of the most effective digital media platforms for marketing objectives: 

1- Mobile Marketing

2- Social Media Marketing

3- Pay-per click maerketing

4-Display marketing

5-Search Engine Optimization marketing (SEO)

The advertisement platforms used are pictures, videos or animations,
as well as text links and moving images, which are distributed on different end devices,such as desktop PCs or smartphones, as per the ranking using social media and display marketing is the best medium to
advertise a product or service by advertising on graphical displays on the internet.
Displays are billed either via CPC or CPM and then using search engine optimization marketing to improve the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines furthermore mobile marketing can be used as a multi-channel marketing technique for reaching a particular audience on their phones ,Ipads,tablets , another related devices through websites mails, SMS’s or mobile applications and then we will eventually go for pay per click marketing and push traffic to the websites and pay the publisher when someone ever clicks on the commercial that is bit pricey so that it is ranked as well.