Google has multiple ways of generating revenue beyond private investment or selling shares of its stock. Google uses several methods to partner with merchants and advertisers: Google Pay, Google Ads, Google AdSense and Google Analytics are some.
Google Pay (formerly Google Wallet and, before that, Google Checkout) is a service designed to make purchases easier for both the consumer and the retailer. On the consumer end, users create a free Google Pay account, entering credit or debit card numbers, which Google stores in a secure database. When the user visits a retailer with Google Pay, either online or in a brick-and-mortar store, he or she can use Pay and Google facilitates the transaction using a “virtual account number” — what Google describes as an “alias” for your real card number. Google doesn’t charge a fee to the business or the consumer. With Google Pay in a real-world store, consumers can use their smartphones to pay, leaving their credit cards at home.
The main way Google generates its revenue is through a pair of advertising services called Ads and AdSense. With Ads, advertisers submit ads to Google that include a list of keywords relating to a product, service or business. When a Google user searches the Web using one or more of those keywords, the ad appears on the SERP in a sidebar. The advertiser pays Google every time a user clicks on the ad and is directed toward the advertiser’s sit.
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